Health & Wellness

  • What Teas Are Good for the Heart?

    Black, green, white or red teas come from the same plant Camellia Sinensis. The difference lies in the processing method: Green tea is made from the

    Pressure Ulcers – Risk Assessment and Prevention

    What are Pressure Ulcers? Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores or pressure sores, are generally injuries to the skin and underlying tissue that results when someone keeps pressing or rubbing against the skin. These sores are usually seen on the bony prominences like hips, ankles, heels, tailbone, etc. Due to prolonged pressure, shear and friction, the area of the skin

    5 Useful Tips for Successful Addiction Recovery

    Dealing with a drug addiction can be tough and it becomes worse when you think of recovery. There comes a time when attaining sobriety seems

    Are There Health Benefits To Probiotics?

    When you think of living a healthy lifestyle, eating bacteria probably isn’t something you think about. But did you know there is actually such a